the B.R.A.G.G. Brunch Experience™.

Being • Responsible • Accountable For • God's • Gifts
– Safe Space to be Yourself & Unmask –

At Mosaic, Inc. we believe in co-elevation through community and our events are some ways that you can join us to get the support you need to thrive in your area of expertise and show up Bold and ready to B.R.A.G.G.! Register for brunch every 3rd Saturday at 12pm EST.

3rd Sat

the B.R.A.G.G. Brunch™ Experience

By : Mosaic, Inc.™

A rejuvenating and inspiring experience, filled with meaningful conversations, fresh perspectives, and genuine connections
Join Us for

the B.R.A.G.G. Brunch Experience™.

Join Lesley George and Shirley Ann Felder along with the Nation of Women, every 3rd Saturday at 12pm EST, for empowerment and inspirational stories, tools, tips and strategies to UNLOCK YOUR EQUITY in the world and celebrate your WINS!

Meet Your Co-Host

Meet Lesley George—a steadfast beacon on the journey to unapologetic authenticity. A proud Black West Indian-American woman rooted in the vibrant mosaic of South Florida, Lesley dedicates herself to fanning the flames of empowerment, urging women to embrace their narratives and vocalize their truths.

In the intricate tapestry of Lesley’s life, influenced profoundly by her family roots, the journey to becoming a Confidence B.R.A.G.G. guide finds its genesis in the indomitable spirit of her extraordinary grandmother, Sio. More than just the bedrock of her family, Sio epitomized resilience, wisdom, and grace—an embodiment of the strength found in honoring one’s heritage.

Mosaic Nation™, born from the teachings of Sio, mirrors Lesley’s love for humanity. In her coaching, Lesley interweaves timeless wisdom with pragmatic strategies, empowering women to unlock their leadership potential and champion diversity and inclusion. This transcends beyond confidence-building; it’s a metamorphic odyssey toward authentic leadership.

As a voice in professional development, Lesley shares insights drawn from her personal journey, stressing the pivotal role of discovering one’s voice in leadership. It’s about crafting a narrative that is uniquely yours and standing tall in your truth, radiating confidence in every space entered.

Lesley’s coaching philosophy pays homage to her grandmother’s spirit, emphasizing the significance of leaving an enduring legacy and infusing every action with intention and passion. So, dear Queen, embrace your story, honor your heritage, and step into a future where your confidence becomes the guiding star of your authentic narrative.

Lesley George

Meet Your Co-Host

Meet Shirley Ann Felder, co-founder and one of the dynamic forces behind Mosaic Nation™ of Co-Elevators. An Amazon #1 Best Selling Author, comedian, business thought leader, and International Keynote Speaker, Shirley brings more than three decades of entrepreneurial prowess to the table.

For 25 years, she fearlessly navigated the male-dominated arena, employing over 150 men and generating a staggering 65 million dollars in gross revenue across two states—all while literally sorting through people’s trash. Her journey isn’t just about business success; it’s about transforming lives. Shirley’s passion led her to help almost a dozen women transition from welfare to work, showcasing her commitment to social impact.

As a community advocate, Shirley’s impact extends beyond the business realm. She has served on multiple boards, both in her community and at the state level, contributing to the greater good. Shirley’s leadership shines through her unique approach, helping teams align with their mission while preserving individual values. She encourages them to lean into strengths, confront weaknesses, and drop the trash talk, fostering open communication and authenticity.

Shirley’s insight and expertise guide clients through the intricate landscape of positive personal and professional development. As a co-founder of Mosaic Nation™, she continues to inspire, elevate, and co-create a thriving community where individuals celebrate diversity and embrace the power within; shaping a legacy of empowerment and co-elevation.

Shirley Ann Felder

Meet Mosaic Nation™ of Co-Elevators Shirley Ann Felder

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